Bibliography -in reverse chronological order
Out of the Hay and into the Hops, Hop Cultivation in Wealden Kent and hop marketing in Southwark, 1744-2000. Celia Cordle, Univ of Hertforshire Press. 2011. Studies in Regional and Local History Vol 9 (ed Prof Nigel Goose).
Hop Kilns in the West Midlands up to 1900. JFC Peters. Historic Farm Buildings Group Journal. 2010
A Pocketful of Hops Bromyard History Society 1988/2007
Farm Buildings of the Weald 1450-1750 (Chapter 13 on Maltkilns and Oasts) David and Barbara Martin 2006 Oxbow Books
The Oasthouses. Their life and times. 2006 Alan Major. SB Publications Seaford.
Maltings in England. 2004 Amber Patrick for Heritage England
Kentish Oasts. 16th-20th Century. Their History, Construction and Equipment. 1997 Robin and Ivan Walton. Published by Christine Swift
Hops and Hop kilns. A Survey of the Hop kiln sites of Hereford and Worcestershire. 1997 Angela Griffiths (Unpublished. Worcester Archives).
Agrarian History of England and Wales Ed Thirsk CUP 1990s
Oasthouses in Sussex and Kent Gwen Jones and John Bell. Phillimore 1992
Oasthouses in Ewhurst Parish Gwen Jones. Sussex Archaeological Society 1988
Hops and Hop Picking Richard Filmer Aylesbury 1982
Oasts in Kent and East Sussex Anthony Cronk Parts 1 and 2 Archaeologia. Cantiana. 1978
Hopping down in Kent Alan Bignell 1977. Pub Robert Hale
17thC Kent a social and economic history CW Chalkin Longmans 1965
Hops AH Burgess. Pub Leonard Hill 1964
Farnham Buildings and People Nigel Temple. 1963 Herald Press. 1973 Phillimore
The Brewing Industry 1886-1951.Vaisey 1960
History of Brewing 1700-1830 P Mathias Cambridge 1959
Hop Growing in Nottinghamshire D Pocock Transactions of Thoroton Society 1957 Thoroton Soc Website
Agriculture of Kent. County Survey GH Garrd 1955
English Oast Houses and Hop Kilns. PE Locke RIBA Thesis 1950
Kentish Architecture as influnced by geology John Archibald Ramsgate Monastery Press 1934
The Hop Industry H H Parker London 1934
English Hops. George Clinch London 1919
Select Committee on the Hop Industry 1890 and 1908
Royal Agricultural Society Journal New Forms of Hop Kiln Mitchell Vol 59? 1898 (Brown Folder notes) Plus other editions. Whitehead 1870 and 1890 Rutley 1848
Hop Cultivation C Whitehead 1893 London
Hops and Hopping John March London 1892
First Report of Inland Revenue Commissioners 1857
Treatise on the Cultivation of Hops in the Kent Style HM Manwaring Worcester 1855
Cottage, Farm and Villa Architecture and Furniture. JC Loudon. London 1783-1843. New Editopn edited by Mrs Loudon 1846.
Library of Agricultural and Horticultural Knowledge Baxter 1834
The Hop Farmer, E J Lance 1828
Hints on Ornamental Gardening, consisting of a series of designs for garden buildings, … gates, fences, etc. … accompanied by observations on the principles and theory of rural improvement. John Buonarotti Papworth London, 1823.
Synopsis of Husbandry J S Bannister 1799.
The Rural Economy of the Southern Counties Marshall 1798
A Complete System of Husbandry John Mills 1763
A Complete Book of Husbandry Thomas Halls 1758
The Modern Husbandman William Ellis 1744
The New Treatise of Husbandry, Gardening and Other Curious Matters relating to Country affairs Samuel Trowell. 1739
New System of Agriculture. J Lawrence 1736
The Riches of the Hop Garden Explained. Richard Bradley, Professor of Botany, Cambridge University 1729
Instructions for Planting and Managing Hops and for raising hop poles. The Dublin Society 1728/33
A New System of Agriculture .J Lawrence 1726 3 vols
Herefordshire Orchards. An epistolary address to Samuel Hartlib by John Beale Including the best method for planting and manging a hop garden, being a pattern for Ireland 1657 and Dublin 1724
The Whole Art of Husbandry J Mortimer 2 vols 1721
Act for Laying Duty on Hops 9 Anne Ch 12 1710.
Systema Agriculturae The Mystery of Husbandry JW Gent (Worledge) 1687
The English Improver improved W Blith 1652
A Perfite platforme of a hoppe garden and nescessarie instructions for the making and maytenance thereof. Reynolde Scot Henrie Denham of Paternoster Row, 1574
500 Points of Husbandry. Thomas Tusser 1573